Our Vision and Strategy
Following a period of recovery after the COVID pandemic, our focus has been on three key priorities – Keeping our patients safe, Getting things right for our people, and Shaping our future together.
Our previous strategy expired in 2022, so we are now taking the opportunity to align our priorities with the development of an ambitious strategy that will shape the future of the Trust for the next five years and beyond.
During the autumn and winter of 2023/24, SECAmb will be engaging extensively with our patients, partners and people to co-develop a new, clinically-led vision for the organisation.
We are working closely with our ICBs to establish this new direction of travel, which will include a review of our purpose within the wider healthcare system and as an Urgent Care and Emergency Services provider.
The new strategy will be built on a number of key components – innovative models of care, making the best use of technology to drive improvements and ensuring everything we do is sustainable in terms of environmental impact and resources.
We expect the strategy to be published in the Spring of 2024 – it will provide a valuable foundation for the Board to steer the organisation in the coming years.